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S.L. Weiss on 11 Strings
Silvius Leopold Weiss (1685 – 1750) was one of the
greatest musicians of his day. His music in modern times remains
relatively unknown because his instrument, the baroque lute,
became largely extinct by 1760. I have recorded this on an
11 string classical guitar tuned exactly as an 11 course baroque
lute. Al the nuances of the composer’s intentions have
been preserved.
The 11 string guitar was designed in 2002 by Terry Schumacher
and built by Kenny Hill.
Sienna Renaissance, Lute
These sixteen pieces are from an important anonymous lute
manuscript from the 16th century and are from anonymous composer(s).
Each piece is a Recercar which in Italian means "to seek
The style is typical of lute compositions of the 16th century.
Sienna Renaissance, Acoustic Guitar
This recording is a rendition of lute music (of the Lute
version above) played on a modern acoustic guitar. In modern
times the guitar enjoys popularity not unlike the popularity
of the lute in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In
fact, guitarists now use tablature for music notation similar
to their 16th century counterparts.